Two days on the rollercoaster Tuesday, 14 June 2011 19:19

Today has been a total contrast. We went back to care group at Heathers and I was expecting her to grizzle & strop for my attention all the time (which is what she's done for the last few weeks when anyone has wanted to to talk to me). She never stopped eating and was really good, joining us all for lunch at the table and then chatting away with Jean & Denise whilst watching CBeebies (they both seemed to be deeply entertained by it as well! lol). I think she is beginning to tolerate the steroids a little better as her behaviour has improved bit by bit. We nipped back home for a bit and then Heather had her from 2pm until 5pm. She had a lovely time at Moors Valley on the swings & even got over her shyness to play a board game with Heathers son Andrew when she got back. Whilst she was with Heather I went to a meeting at Busy Bee's with the Outreach (POO) Nurse Pippa, Maria from the local children's centre & Moira, Charlotte's key worker at pre-school. From my point of view it was helpful to hear Pippa describe everything to Moira & Maria and what needs to be put in place for Charlotte's return. She will miss the next couple of weeks or so so it will be a real shame that she'll only have a couple more weeks or so there before the holidays and then she's off to big school.
She requested sausage & chips from the chip shop for tea at my Mum's...I did explain today that they weren't for me as the staff seem to recognise me (Charlotte had me there at lunch & tea on Saturday!). After she finished eating she took me completely by surprise by absolutely insisting she wanted to sleep at her Nanna' I left her at 6.45pm tucked up in bed asleep. So its been a good day & I GET THE NIGHT OFF!!! :-)
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