Discharged Wednesday, 8 June 2011 at 22:48
Taken from my original diary on Facebook
After a night at home as a 'test run' I decided I definitely wanted us to come back home today. So we returned to hospital just after midday and happened to meet one of Charlotte's Dr's as he entered the children's unit and he was walking to our ward. He asked me if we'd had a really nice time at home? I thought what a strange question, how could we have a really nice time with Charlotte in pain & very very grumpy & me tired and stressed by managing Charlotte's behaviour & demands!! So I replied that we didn't get home til 4, but, it was good to get home and Charlotte settled to bed fine & we had slept well and that if they were happy with Charlotte we would like to go home today. He said that was no problem and also (thankfully) we didn't have to wait for bloods today, they will check them when we're back in on Friday as an outpatient for chemo.
I had a meeting with the Family Support Worker who told me about some of the ways she can help or resources/contacts she has available should we need, and I'm sure some of those will be useful at different times. I told her about the last 6 months, losing my Dad and then Charlotte being ill, being told that it was possibly cancer, then being told it absolutely was ruled out, only to be told just over 2 months later that it is.....it still doesn't seem real to be honest; after getting over the stress of the initial 4 weeks in February of waiting to be told it wasn't and now being told it is...it feels like some sort of nightmare that can't actually be happening.
After the meeting we packed the rest of our stuff and left at 3, sadly the 'nicest' nurses and/or the ones we had spent more time with weren't on duty today to say goodbye to, but I know we'll be seeing them again, probably many times. Charlotte slept on the way home so I thought she would be a bit later to bed tonight but for the first time ever she went & got into bed and asked me to turn the light off..bless her, I sat with her a couple of minutes and then she settled straight away.
As she was settled I decided to go to After Eights (ladies social group at church). I spoke for a few minutes at the beginning to tell everyone what had been happening the last 3 weeks (as some didn't know) and also about verses from 2 Cor 12: 9,10 had given me a lot of strength in the first few days after diagnosis. It was great to go out and be with people outside of a hospital!!
After the meeting we packed the rest of our stuff and left at 3, sadly the 'nicest' nurses and/or the ones we had spent more time with weren't on duty today to say goodbye to, but I know we'll be seeing them again, probably many times. Charlotte slept on the way home so I thought she would be a bit later to bed tonight but for the first time ever she went & got into bed and asked me to turn the light off..bless her, I sat with her a couple of minutes and then she settled straight away.

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