Welcome to our blog

I have been be overwhelmed by the prayer, love, kindness, support & generousity of everybody since Charlotte's diagnosis. Thank you so much!
Charlotte is under a shared care scheme with her minor chemo & general health looked after Poole General Hospital and the stronger chemo, procedures & overall treatment plan managed by the Piam Brown Ward at Southampton General Hospital. The ward is 1 of 22 specialist wards in the UK treating cancer in children.
If there is anything else you would like to know please don't hesitate ask or click on of the links below to find out more.
Charlotte's treatment is continual over 2 years & 2 months so its a long tough road ahead but through my faith I gather strength and remain positive (most of the time!)

2 Cor 12:9

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Frustration, home for a night, my Birthday Tuesday, 7 June 2011 at 22:22

Taken from my original diary on Facebook
Today has been even more frustrating as the nurses & Dr knew we were coming home for the day & an overnight stay and it didn't start well as I woke with a really sore throat & felt really rough & Charlotte although eating well still was her usual grumpy self but also seem a little below par. The Dr came round at 11 and decided he wanted her bloods checking before we could leave....the nurses always take blood every morring before 7...this morning they took it upon themsleves to decide they probably didn't need to do them. It was then gone 1.30 by the time results were back...all counts were doing ok although potassium levels are very low. Then again despite knowing all day we were going we had to wait til gone 2.30 for our med's from the pharmacy, so we didn't leave hospital til 3. The only positive was that the elusive support worker turned up & I now have a meeting with her tomororw at 1pm, so we have to get back to hospital in time for that.
I've had some lovely birthday cards, presents & message so I'm not ungrateful, however, I think I could pretty much say its been the worst birthday ever....but hey, at least next year's will be better hopefully! Just had some more painkillers for my throat & off to bed now. Charlotte settled really well at 8 in her own bed although was really hard work from when we arrived home!

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