But now we're in week 56 of treatment, 13 months & 1 week after diagnosis, and now a month before Charlotte's 5th Birthday. This week is exactly halfway in Charlotte's 112 week chemo schedule. The 2nd half is a lot easier than the 1st in that the drugs are not as harsh side effect wise, and all being well (which it hasn't yet!), we should only visit hospital fortnightly, although bloods are still being checked every week. She should be having oral chemo daily with a 2nd oral chemo drug once a week. So far she's only managed to have these less than half of the weeks as her neutraphil (immunity) count has been too low. If its too low her drugs are stopped to allow her bone marrow to pick up again. Unfortunately the chemo kills good cells as well as bad. Her hair is growing back lovely now, to the point of needing a proper shampoo, to which she screamed the house down the first time, but it had been 9 months since she had hair, and thats a long time in Charlotte's life at her age. I asked whilst we were in hospital on one occassion about the future and the 'relapse' question. Our Consultant said its very rare to relapse at this stage of treatment now, but its a long road ahead before we have the all clear. Recently on Twitter someone I met prayed for Charlotte while we we're both online. She asked me about healing and I explained that I believe she'll be healed but the Dr's will just carry on treatment until the end, and we only know its worked if she doesn't relapse. This lady, who I won't name prayed for Charlotte to be healed, and as she did she said tears were rolling down her face and she had this immense feeling that Charlotte has already been healed. I was blown away, and will never forget that moment.
I've been undergoing ton's of tests and at one point my GP thought I may have Lupus. I'm glad to say that I haven't, but am now faced with further tests & Consultants to get to the cause of the problems. I have low iron & ferritin levels in my blood, altho am not anaemic, I also have a high ESR, which is an indication of inflammation, and shouldn't be at the level it is in someone of my age...but we don't know where, these things may or may not be linked. But I've had a colonscopy & MRI of my bowel to rule out anything wrong in my digestive system, so think its now down to Rheumatology? To be honest I just want to be 100% well again & have the energy I'm used to having. When we had a 3 week period of 2 x 5 day hospital stays, daily hospital visits every day except one and a fall downstairs resulting in a broken arm for Charlotte, I was completely exhausted and really struggling. Thankfully we had a couple of better weeks & I could pick up again before the next admission!
During the last couple of months I have been overwhelmed by everyones support for our fundraising, have met some wonderful people on Twitter & Facebook. Charlotte's been in the Bournemouth Echo a number of times recently and one business even got in touch and want to give something to Charlotte (even tho thats not what we're fundraising for).
I've missed so much of Church & house group being in hospital, and yet I've now met so many other Christians online and have been able to share so much and receive so much encouragement. I've started a Prayer Ministry on Facebook called Pray for Kids with Cancer UK. As I've found more & more children with cancer on FB in the last few months something struck me about the difference between the UK & the USA. Many parents have a FB page for their child, I noticed that a high % of the USA ones were called "Pray for Jo" etc, whereas in the UK its "Jo's Journey" or "Help Jo" & it gives the impression that the Americans are more religious than us in the UK. I accept its impossible to really know what someones beliefs are but I could see Uk people asking at time for prayers, vibes etc for their child. So I decided to set up this page and proactively tell people I'm praying for particular children and ask for people to also pray with me. The page now has 55 likes and has regular comments, with 2 families asking for prayers for their child. It is so encouraging and I pray that this will continue and touch peoples lives in a way that they become aware of God being there with them. Children suffering is always one of the hardest issues when you come to faith, my heart has felt so sad so many times recently as children have lost their fight, and I think about the fact that God knew their life from before they were conceived to their last breath, so that must be what he had planned for them, to be here just such a short time & go through so much...as I say, the hardest question to answer, but then I see children who although they weren't here for long have inspired so many peope in so many different ways.

Charlotte's diagnosis has completely changed the course of my life, it's made me cut the last ties with my old life as a non-believer, its enabled me to share my faith in way I wouldn't have done before and strengthened it....and now new doors are opening.
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