Welcome to our blog

I have been be overwhelmed by the prayer, love, kindness, support & generousity of everybody since Charlotte's diagnosis. Thank you so much!
Charlotte is under a shared care scheme with her minor chemo & general health looked after Poole General Hospital and the stronger chemo, procedures & overall treatment plan managed by the Piam Brown Ward at Southampton General Hospital. The ward is 1 of 22 specialist wards in the UK treating cancer in children.
If there is anything else you would like to know please don't hesitate ask or click on of the links below to find out more.
Charlotte's treatment is continual over 2 years & 2 months so its a long tough road ahead but through my faith I gather strength and remain positive (most of the time!)

2 Cor 12:9

Friday, 16 March 2012

The future: Fundraising & Charities

A lot of my time the last two weeks has been taken up by fundraising linked activities. I set up our facebook page about a month ago, after just running a personal one previously. One day I saw CLIC Sargent advertise a Skydive Challenge which was local for us, so I casually 'shared' it on FB & asked " I don't suppose one of our friends would be brave enough to do this for CLIC Sargent to raise funds on Charlotte's behalf"...within an hour I'd got my first volunteer, my niece's boyfriend. He was quite quickly joined by my Niece who decided she should be there to hold his hand. So I went ahead and posted it as an event on our FB page, which by now had a growing number of supporters & thought I'd just get a little mention in Charlotte's school newsletter. I've been blown away by peoples response, we're currently up to 17 people in Team Charlotte, with more thinking about it. Once we've got a lot of the registration forms in CLIC are going to get the Echo involved in covering the story of how people have rallied round to support CLIC on behalf of Charlotte. I decided therefore to see what other events CLIC were organising & just 'posted' these as Events on our FB page, we now have 4 people trekking to Kilimanjaro in Feb 2013, & one considering Cycling in India the same month. CLIC have so many events organised it makes it easy for me to get involved without the massive amount of organising these events, which would be difficult to balance as a single parent with Charlotte on treatment, so for now this is how & where I'll concentrate my efforts.

I've been inspired by a lady called Natasha Jones who found Leaf ~ Leukaemia Education & Fundraising. Leaf was founded from a hospital bed in 2006 after Natasha Jones from Wimborne was diagnosed with Leukaemia just 3 weeks after giving birth to her son. Natasha wants to bring something positive out of her experience by helping other blood cancer patients in Dorset. Leaf whilst set up to help adults have been an amazing support to Charlotte and I and what strikes me so much about Leaf is that its local & its personal. If a patients needs support they get to know them & see what they can do to really help & make a difference, whether its help with transport costs, a cleaner to come in a do the housework, health club memberships for recently discharged patients and the list goes on. But they also support training etc for local nurses and the Dorset Cancer Centre and make donations to Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research, which is really valuable.
Because of my faith I believe God has been & will continue to use Charlotte's illness in some way, through her and I. Alongside this I can relate to Natasha in that I want to use our experience in a way that something really positive comes out of it along with Charlotte's return to full health of course. 

If you'd like to donate funds to Charlotte's CLIC Sargent Fund or one of the 'teams' doing an event or for my slim for Leaf funds you can do by visiting:

Charlotte's fund http://www.bmycharity.com/charlottejackson2012
Team Charlotte Skydive Team: http://www.bmycharity.com/teamcharlotteskydive
Team Charlotte Kilimanjaro Trek: http://www.bmycharity.com/teamcharlottekilitrek

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